RWS .177 Caliber Cleaning Pellets are engineered for extra length and made from the finest material. The extra length insures full contact with the lans and grooves within the airgun's barrel bore. Place one RWS Cleaning Pellet at the barrel breech using the tip of a RWS Breechway Flexible Rod to start the pellet into the bore. SLOWLY push the pellet down through the bore in short distances of about 1-inch until the cleaning pellet is forced out of the muzzle end of the barrel. Repeat this operation until cleaning pellet emerges from the barrel clean. The Hy-grade felt and extra length of RWS Cleaning Pellets will absorb residue oil, dislodge surface rust and force loose leading out of the rifling grooves. THE RWS BREECHWAY SYSTEM DOES NOT RECOMMEND SHOOTING FELT PELLETS THROUGH THE BARREL unless it is impossible to use the RWS Breechway Flexible Rod on models that have tap loading systems. In these cases the extra length of the RWS Hy-grade Cleaning Pellets help to provide better sealing of the bore to avoid the damage by dry firing effects due to insufficient bore sealing. Bore cleaning by the shoot-through method should never be done with less than two cleaning pellets inserted and expelled at one time. Umarex 2201933
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