The Webfoot is a uniquely different approach to sharpening that can be used anywhere, set up in seconds, and doesn’t require oil, water, electricity, or any complicated clamps or fixtures. It is made of a single piece of carbon steel and coated in Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN)—a state-of-the-art superabrasive that is second in hardness only to diamond. Resting the wide end of the Webfoot on a flat surface and rocking it from side to side aligns its outer edges at the perfect 40-degree included angle for utility knife edges. Simply keep the plane of your blade vertical and draw it from heel to tip.
The included ABS plastic base reduces that angle to 30 degrees for keener edges and thinner, high-performance knives. Laid on its side, it offers the perfect 12.5-degree angle for sharpening scissors and shears. With over 15 square inches of abrasive-coated surfaces of varying shapes and angles, the Webfoot can be used to quickly and easily sharpen a wide variety of edged and pointed tools, including those with serrated edges. It comes complete with detailed instructions and a high-quality suede pouch that also serves as a handy non-slip work surface.
From military grade army clothing to high-quality camping merchandise, you can find a wide array of rugged outdoor gear on our newly redesigned website. For the past seven years, we have been serving a niche market audience from our army surplus store located in Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Now, we are revamping our website to offer an even broader and higher-quality array of products that we know you will love.
Our website pages are flushed with retail selections for everything from recreational shooting sports items to professional tactical military gear. Whether you are looking for firearms, airsoft or paintball guns, knives and cutlery, camping gear, backpacks, flashlights, gloves, or headwear, you can find it on our army surplus store online. We even ship all orders out within 24 to 48 hours.